“Lucy, I’m home!” These famous words were uttered by Ricky Ricardo on the American sitcom I Love Lucy which ran from 1951 to 1957. The show features fictional couple Lucy and Ricky Ricardo, played by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. Beloved by fans for its comedic timing and clever relationship storylines, I Love Lucy was a breath of entertaining fresh air in the post-war 1950s.
Fans loved the show because it played off of popular topics like family, career, and the differences between men and women. It also drew on the real-life couple’s peculiarities, blurring the line between character and celebrity.
Here are two fan-favorite episodes from the show I Love Lucy.
- “Lucy is Enceinte” – In this episode, Lucy tries and fails and tries again to tell her husband that she is expecting a child. The gags are hilarious and she finally succeeds in telling him at the end of the episode. The network at that time wouldn’t allow the use of the word ‘pregnant’ on the air, which only added to the comedic nature of Lucy’s mission. This episode is counted among fans’ favorite episodes for the mix of real emotion and high comedy. In real life, Lucy and Desi had just found out that they were going to have a second baby together. This added to Desi’s heightened emotions and translates easily to the small screen.
- “Job Switching” – Along with her partner in crime Ethel, Lucy gets hired at a local candy factory. Ricky has insisted that she try working, so she gamely gives it a shot. This episode is set in the candy factory, and the main gag is related to a chocolate processing machine. As Lucy and Ethel struggle to keep up with the rapid-fire conveyor belt, they hilariously attempt to stuff chocolate in their faces and in their clothes to hide their incompetence. This episode had fans crying from laughter from coast to coast. It references one of Lucy’s famous lines from the show, “I can’t help it, eating is my hobby!”
I Love Lucy is still beloved by modern audiences for its hilarious comedic scenes and its relevant social commentary on life in the 1950s in America.